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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  2855 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Grubski: Summer 16

Some good ol' yogurt, fruit n' nuts. My own special blend. Added extra cottage cheese and walnuts to make it more of a meal paired with diluted cranberry juice.

Diced Fruits:

- Oranges

- Red delicious apples

- Dates


- Crumbled walnuts

- Chopped almonds


- Vanilla yogurt.

- Lard curd cottage cheese.

user-inactivated  ·  2851 days ago  ·  link  ·  

The juice and the table are very nice.

user-inactivated  ·  2846 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thank you much! I found I can save a bit of money by buying cranberry juice and making it last a month or two by diluting it with water. As for the table, just constructed an Ikea addition to it a couple hours ago! Moving on up in the world.