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comment by rob05c
rob05c  ·  3028 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The DNC Just Screwed Over Bernie Sanders and Spit in Voters’ Faces

Eh, I don't necessarily disagree that it's unjust, but the article is rather misleading.

"Just screwed" implies this is new; superdelegates have always been a thing. The DNC is under no obligation to be democratic. Moreover, Hillary had the same advantage in 2008 and lost soundly.

Direct Democracy has a number of issues. The majority can oppress the minority. The masses are quantifiably less educated and intelligent. Superdelegates allow the DNC to temper the Tragedy of the Commons with the wisdom of known and trusted leaders.

And they have every right. Political Parties can do anything they want internally (within reason). Theoretically, if you don't like it, start your own party. Of course that doesn't work in practice. Which is why the real problem is FPTP, not the party.

A similar argument is often made against the Senate. I agree, it isn't really fair that 500,000 people in Wyoming have the same vote as the 38,000,000 in California. But I also don't think California should be able to oppress Wyoming.

user-inactivated  ·  3028 days ago  ·  link  ·  
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