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comment by AshleyR
AshleyR  ·  3056 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: December 23, 2015

This week I spent a lot of time doing... nothing. Really. Just sitting down/lying on the couch/bed and staring at the roof/window.

It's changing me. At first, I got the usual results: sleeping when I found myself tired, processing all the stuff in my head or daydreaming (my favorite, though I can't remember it when I'm back to normal). Now, it's making me think a lot about things: me being in wrong places, Hubski boosting my thoughtfulness, and for the fisrt time ever, I said "whew, now I got time for things!". I'm eating much slower (and a bit less) than before and savoring life in general. People seemed to catch up on this and seem more receptive to me. Details are more prominent lately, and it makes me feel blissful. That puts a silly smile on my face.

Basically, I'm getting to know myself again. I'm feeling warm inside, and more in the moment than ever.

2 days ago, I went through my backlog of articles I saved on Pocket and cleared it up. It was mostly bands I stumbled upon and bookmarked for later (it normally doesn't come, but this time it did). Also some movies and documentaries. But mostly music and fashion lookbooks.

Who knows what's going to happen in the next days? I'm looking forward to that.

inb4 Christmas