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comment by squirvel
squirvel  ·  3179 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: August 19, 2015

Currently in computer limbo with a tablet as my most powerful full-fledged pc. Ordered some parts to fix and upgrade an older laptop which will be fun. Hopefully my nice laptop gets back from warranty service before I go off to college next week.

I'm going to be a freshman, and outside of the one tour and orientation I never got a proper feel of the the classes so its going to be a little scary until I catch the flow of the place. Still, very excited to go off, even if I am dorming in a double with a sophomore. Going to try to use this chance to instill better study and personal fitness habits for myself.

Although, I feel the pressure now even before I go off to college as I'm riding a scholarship (Which is apparently considered a form of financial aid rather than an award) that pays for my tuition, but requires me to maintain a certain gpa, which increases each semester. So if I screw up, I basically lose my opportunity to get some form of higher education without copious amounts of debt.

Switching back to technology crap, I got a pair of a900x last week. These cans are pretty awesome for $150. Sounds great on any high quality input, while okay on low quality input. I guess it is true: "Shit in, shit out".

Referring back to the death of my ssd, I've been looking into building my own nas. I could throw something together for about $500, but it would lack server grade ram, and only give me 2 1tb hdds. While one layer of redundancy is better than none, I'd personally like to get more (the case I've been looking at is 4 hot-swap disks) and larger capacity disks and run them raid 1 + 0, or all in raid 1. One gives me a bit more storage while two disks are in sync and two more are also and together they form a larger volume, while the other ensures I'll have my data for a pretty long time. I think I should hold off longer at this point to see if I can get more higher quality parts for cheaper when the holidays roll around.