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comment by TheVenerableCain
TheVenerableCain  ·  3197 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Dear Hubski, what do you want to learn?

Given your expertise, what's your opinion on Hardcore History, specifically "The Wrath of The Khans" down at the bottom of the page? They're a fairly long listen, but if you have a commute, it's a nice time to give it a go. I personally found it very interesting, entertaining, and (seemingly) well researched, but I know nothing about that area of the world and its history, so I was curious as to how accurate the information presented is.

Herunar  ·  3197 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I've heard a lot about the Hardcore History podcasts; namely that they are really, really good. I've never listened to them, but I'd be happy to try em out and tell you what I think!

TheVenerableCain  ·  3196 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Awesome. I'll eagerly await your review!

Herunar  ·  3195 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Right, well I've just listened to the first episode so far, but I think he's done a pretty good job with it! The show's clearly really well researched and he makes sure to bring in all sorts of differing views (I know the Mongols in particular have a pretty rich historiography surrounding them so this was pretty important). The only thing I don't really agree with him on is his views on revisionist history, as he sort of dismisses it as glazing over a lot of the negative impacts of the Mongols, but I don't think that's quite the case.

I'm definitely going to be listening to more of his stuff from now on though, so thanks for the recommendation!