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comment by lelibertaire

Eh, I think you're the one cherrypicking.

That exceptions exist doesn't counter the argument that females tend to be highly sexualized in many video games. No one is ever painting ALL of gaming when they criticize trends and popular tropes. I believe this video also looked at poses as well.

Even then, some of your examples are problematic.

Peach might not be very sexualized, but she's a notorious damsel. Isn't Samus stripped if you beat the game in certain conditions? Tifa is notorious for being a pair of boobs with limbs attached. Yuna's cover pose is covered in the video. And I would be more than 50% of females in the Arkham series have huge cleavage, just like Harley does in this picture.

aidrocsid  ·  3516 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I don't know if you watched the video, but the assertion was not that they were sexualized, but that their poses don't typically show their personality, but instead look like they're looking into a mirror. In my experience this is almost never the case. Posing is used to show intent and purpose in female characters as much as it is in men.

Whether or not women (or men for that matter) are sexualized in video games and whether this constitutes a problem is an entirely different discussion. Personally, being sex positive, I don't think it does.

lelibertaire  ·  3516 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Ah you're right. I saw the video yesterday but couldn't comment cause I was out so I saw your examples as examples of characters not poses. I'd still argue that those poses don't counter critique of the situations when they are poised sexually. I think his point was more that males are rarely posed in sexual ways while females often are.

I do take exception with your last comment, however.

You don't have to be sex-negative to see a problem with the rampant sexualization of female characters in video games. It's not a problem because "hey there exist one or two sexualized characters in video games." It's a problem because "hey a majority of female characters seem to be very sexualized."

I like to compare video games with film because (while many really want to skirt away from comparisons between the mediums) they are two mediums most related to each other in my eyes. Also because film as a medium for storytelling has matured where gaming is still mired in pulp.

Take Cuaron's Y Tu Mama Tambien. Luisa is a very sexual character (it's practically the point of the movie), but her sexuality is never paraded for the viewer's titillation. She is a character first, her sexuality second. No one throws fits over Luisa's sexuality or the sexuality of other characters in literature or film because of the way its handled. Gaming typically does not handle sexuality in this way. Instead, female sexuality is a design choice made to arouse the player. Pandering, to me, inherently dilutes the quality of a piece of art while and it likely also turns away those who would not be aroused by female sexuality because it sends a message that "this was not made for you."

aidrocsid  ·  3516 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Males are constantly posed in sexual ways. It's sexual when women wear revealing clothing but not when men with bulging muscles run around with nothing but a loin cloth?

His point, again, was about the amount of personality portrayed. He says they look as though they're posing in a mirror. Every image I posted shows a female character whose personality is in some way being shown through their pose. Be it their determination, bravery, despair, gentleness, whatever you like. If you look at Harley there's certainly a bit of an edge of sexiness there, but if you know the character Harley Quinn you'll know that's a big part of her personality. She's a flirty violent psychopath.

And I don't know what video games you're playing, but I don't generally see insanely revealing outfits on women outside of JRPGs and fighting games. In the vast majority of the games I have the women are dressed basically the same as the men. Neither modern tactical armor nor medieval plate mail show much cleavage.

But, again, even if the majority of characters were sexualized, I wouldn't really see that as a problem. Sex sells and there's literally nothing wrong with it. Sex is great. Sexuality is great.

If something is heavily laced with female sexuality and that really turns you off, it literally wasn't made for you.

I love the movie Secretary because I think BDSM is really hot. If you're not into BDSM you may find it strange and creepy. That doesn't mean Secretary shouldn't have been made or that there's a problem with movies like Secretary existing, it means that you personally shouldn't buy or rent Secretary.

I like Day Z because it's ruthless. Lots of people don't like it because dying and losing all their gear bothers them. Should Day Z cease to exist or become easier to cater to the people who don't like it for what it is?

Constantly catering to the most common denominator is boring and produces boring art and entertainment. If you don't see the kinds of video games you want, there's an easy solution. Make them or fund them.