Why did I click that. Why. I've had a terrible day at work and posts like that just make me so done with this field. I'm mentoring a high school girl and some days I feel like I'm doing her a terrible disservice by not telling her to run the hell away and don't look back.
The best part is people like Grendel are the guys who say "women just don't like to code, it's fine." Then they move to San fran or Seattle and whine about how there are no single women. Turns out when you chase women out of an industry, they become scarce in tech hub cities. Go figure.
Sorry :(. I debated not posting that comment thread, but I figured it's a prime example of his troll-iness to users who hadn't seen him before.
- I'm mentoring a high school girl and some days I feel like I'm doing her a terrible disservice by not telling her to run the hell away and don't look back.
I feel ya there. But I think it's important to be a role model for young women -- if I didn't have a series of awesome female mentors throughout high school I don't think I would have gone into science.
(Also, sorry about your bad day at work! Hope it gets better.)
Don't be sorry! It's a conversation I've had myself many times. I'm the only woman on my team (of 12), so when I screw up I feel like I let my gender down. Combine that with reading about how good women supposedly have it, and well, I'm throwing myself a bit of a pity party. I'll wallow a little tonight and move on tommorow, I'm too stubborn to go anywhere.
- I'm the only woman on my team (of 12), so when I screw up I feel like I let my gender down.
FOR REAL THOUGH. Like, if we're not perfect then we just confirm all the negative stereotypes to these people.
- I'm throwing myself a bit of a pity party. I'll wallow a little tonight
I'm with you in spirit!
Thanks so much for the kind words. It's been a tough week, and while normally I don't let that stuff bother me, it's easy to get overwhelmed. When so many people are so comfortable being cruel online, kindness stands out, and you being nice yesterday really helped.