A capitalist super-organism free of any remaining political boundaries to its actions?
Quite the contrary, Capitalism without the Crony- -part that's enabled and maintained through political power.
Well, I agree that capitalism without the crony- -part, as you put it, would be preferable to the current system (of socialism for the rich). So now we have capitalism without a political system. Who's going to mediate conflicts between businesses? Who elects the mediator? What incentive does "Megacorp Inc." have NOT to dump their toxic waste into some poor country, where people aren't likely to be consumers, anyways? What keeps corporations from monopolizing markets, merging into entities which make today's corporations look like mom & pop's neighborhood store and forming de-facto governments, with his glory, El'CEO on top?Quite the contrary, Capitalism without the Crony- -part that's enabled and maintained through political power.
The key to your questions is to realize that having rulers exacerbates any societal problems you might see, because they're just going to let their cronies loot and pillage and pollute as they please, as long as they receive adequate bribes - that's why they went into politics after all. Would people do something about "Megacorp Inc" raping the world, if they didn't think it was their rulers' job to stop it? But here's a realistic idea anyway: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dispute_resolution_organization