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comment by rosellem
rosellem  ·  3487 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: George W. Bush was a much better president than liberals like to admit

    It has funded abstinence-only programs that have proven ineffective at reducing infection rates,

The article glosses over that pretty quickly. While this program saved lives, how many have been lost (and money wasted) because Bush refused to simply give people some condoms? Not really an accurate portrayal without including that in the tally.

edit: Here's some further reading for those interested Some relevant quotes:

    Under the current policy, one third of the money allocated to HIV prevention goes to abstinence-only campaigns, often run by evangelical allies of the administration.

    But this figure is also deceptive, because the prevention budget includes things like fighting mother-to-child transmission. In fact, a full two-thirds of the money for the prevention of the sexual spread of HIV goes to abstinence. What's left is targeted to groups considered high-risk. HIV-activists have spent the last two decades trying to show that condoms aren't just for prostitutes and the promiscuous; Bush has undone much of their work.