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comment by boldboldness
boldboldness  ·  3207 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: George W. Bush was a much better president than liberals like to admit

I've basically begun arguing that he is actually the worst president in American history. Yes, even worse than Harding!

Though the tax plan he created at the start of his presidency was, at the very least arguably, economically sound for the time, as soon as we entered wartime mode we should have done more to balance our fiscal budget and return taxes to their normal levels. When the economic collapse happened in 2008, the fiscal response was anemic because we had been running on empty already for several years. Not to mention the whole 'illegal war of aggression' thing.

Presidents like Harding and Grant had their corruption scandals, guys like Polk were marred with controversial war, and Hoover led the country through its worst economic collapse. Bush somehow managed to accomplish all three of these major catastrophes during his administration.