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comment by Race
Race  ·  3228 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What upcoming video games are you looking forward to?

Rocket League is fantastic. A bunch of different vehicles with hats powered by rockets that spew rainbows while playing soccer in colorful arenas. Winning is fun. Losing is fun.

Up to 4v4 multiplayer, servers between PC and PS4 are integrated, you can demolish opposing cars and fly through the air to score a goal. Your car can be fully customized with the items you unlock. DLC maps and items will be free when they are created.

It will be free for PS+ and $20 for PC on July 7th. I'm so excited.

rooter  ·  3228 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yeah, I heard that it was coming out free on PS+ and now I'm really excited to play it!