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comment by Grevor
Grevor  ·  3238 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Fermi Paradox

"...so for every star in the colossal Milky Way, there’s a whole galaxy out there. All together, that comes out to the typically quoted range of between 1022 and 1024 total stars, which means that for every grain of sand on every beach on Earth, there are 10,000 stars out there."

Absolutely mind boggling. Always nice to get a fresh dose of reality in relation to one's infinitesimal existence.

ObscurityPrince  ·  3238 days ago  ·  link  ·  

There's a note on the "Future of the Earth, the Solar System and the Universe" section of the Timeline of the far future wikipedia page that always makes me feel totally insignificant:

    Although listed in years for convenience, the numbers beyond this point are so vast that their digits would remain unchanged regardless of which conventional units they were listed in, be they nanoseconds or star lifespans.
iza  ·  3237 days ago  ·  link  ·  

There are a couple videos from Hubble images that always blow my mind with the sheer scale of the universe.