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Grendel · 3554 days ago · link · · parent · post: As Torture Victims Win $5.5M in Reparations, Could Chicago Be a Model for Police Abuses Nationwide?
You accidentally used the wrong link, use this instead: It's refreshing to see that they're at least admitting that there was a problem, and are even trying to compensate the victims. In times like these, it's a bold move. But let's not kid ourselves, the police state is not going away any time soon.
lelibertaire · 3554 days ago · link ·
You're right! Thanks! I'm on my phone so it went to the mobile site and I figured removing the m from the url would work. Not the case. Resubmitting. Is there a way to delete a post? EDIT: Nevermind, got it. Thanks, though! and yes, It's good they are admitting their problems.