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comment by JackTheBandit

    I think it may have something to do with solutions. People latch on to problems when there is a known solution

There is a known solution. It's taking responsibility for your personal experiences the moment you become aware of these things. If you're white, you dont shutup when your peers say ignorant things about others. You dont shutup when they try to leverage systemic privilege against others. These are moments where you need to have courage as an individual. These are the moments where you prove your commitment to the humanity you claim to value. And you can't use the excuse of fear because there are thousands of young black people doing this nearly every day.

    Regarding this video, we need a zero acceptance policy on this shit. I don't carr what color you are, police officers ought not be shooting you point blank in the back. Disgusting.

That would be nice. But as all of this continuous activism and incident after incident has shown, it is literally near impossible to hold any of these people responsible. And that difficulty is compounded by the white majority refusing to acknowledge the issue.