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comment by rob05c
rob05c  ·  3356 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why digital natives prefer reading in print.

I don't. I prefer my kindle for books, and my 10" tablet for graphics novels.

The only thing I can't use digitally are textbooks. I need to be able to switch back and forth between reference pages quickly. I can't do that with any ebook platform yet. Someone needs to invent a better bookmark system. Plus, the kindle app's zoom feature is terrible.

    Readers tend to skim on screens

This seems odd to me. I skim articles on the internet, for entirely different reasons. But I don't skim my kindle any more than physical books.

    Researchers say readers remember the location of information simply by page and text layout

I still do this on a kindle. Though more page location, less book location, for obvious reasons. It frustrates me when I go back to find something, and its location on the page has changed from a layout reflow. They should fix that.

    They prefer them for classes in which locating information quickly is key

Er, no. I just described the opposite problem.

    They become knowledge thieves.

Technically copying textbooks for education is covered by the Fair Use Doctrine (17 US Code ยง 107), though a judge is likely to dismiss the claim, because Fair Use has been progressively weakened by the corporatocracy. Also, we live in a society where knowledge can be "owned" and hoarded. Apparently I'm the only one bothered by this.

    But after learning what millennials truly think about print

After finding her selection bias, really.