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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  3590 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Big KRIT Cadillactica 2014 hell yes

I heard Little Mac was broken as shit though

user-inactivated  ·  3589 days ago  ·  link  ·  



8bit this fucking scrub LM is wrecking me, what do I do?

I'll tell you, disembodied voice.

Step 1. Match Start. He's gonna run straight at you and swing. Or he'll side special. Same effect, different pretty-looking animation. Dodge, grab, throw. If you're really good and a Lucina/Marth/Actually Good Little Mac, follow him up at the ledge and gimp the bitch when he's going for that up-recov. Done correctly = first stock.

Step 2. Assuming that gimp didn't stock the little bitch, have no fear. The LM will use his crappy recovery and chase you around the stage, trying to put pressure. To solve this, create no pressure. The last thing a garbage LM expects is for you to run towards him. Use to advantage. Also of advantage is that even though LM is a boxer, he telegraphs his moves like it's 1753. Let him attack first and dodge. Spam projectiles if necessary. If he's gonna play like a prick, you match him blow for blow.

Step 3. Step 1 DID work. He'll float back to the stage hella salty and will try to play more defensively. And by that I mean he'll just dodge and side jab. AGain.

And AGain.


Use counters if you have them. If not, just grab him and punish roll-spamming. If you're Kirby you can swallow him and d-air, or just gimp him when he tries to recover to the ledge as, well, anyone. Bowsercide would be a particularly dirty method of murder.

Laugh and bath in salty tears of your 6th straight For Glory win. Read up on Sakurai's declaration that Little Macs have the highest loss-rate in the game. Have a coffee.


To conclude:

user-inactivated  ·  3588 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I feel like I only got one side of the story here