Hey, this is an impassioned plea. There is a very, very important situation killing the United States, and is orchestrated at the highest echelons. The actions of these people demonstrate that they are determined to completely dismantle the United States by, in effect, taking away our Constitutional Rights, including our right to own property, and the power of our votes, and to put all the power in their hands. These people have the money to buy all the big media channels, including Reddit, and all the other ones, and are censoring all the media, and all the news, so that the American people never get to know what is going on here. This criminal entity is hiding from the public eye behind the front known as the "Federal Reserve". It is the cause of the monstrosity that is the wealth distribution:
The "Federal Reserve" is privately owned, yet it’s name was hand picked to confuse the American people into thinking that is is part of Our Government, when it is the opposite. The "Federal Reserve" is a pipeline that sends 40% of our taxes directly into the owners pockets. Here is their scam: when the United States needs money it goes to the "Federal Reserve" to get it, and all the "Federal Reserve" does is print the dollar notes for very low cost(amounts to pennies), then the "Federal Reserve" gives it to the United States and charges interest on it. One trillion dollars, year after year, of our money, that we worked hard for, is rapidly pocketed to the owners of the "Federal Reserve" in private accounts held offshore.
The owners are those who hold stock in the "Federal Reserve" bank, and only “certain people” are allowed to own such stock, and they pass these stocks along to their dastardly heirs who keep this fanatical plan going. It is not even known who these owners are, since the "Federal Reserve" absolutely refuses to be audited by the United States. See
I tried to post to Reddit about this issue, but Reddit is censoring such links from /r/politics. The link is a link from a trusted transparent non-profit news source http://therealnews.com The "Federal Reserve" have been censoring all media and news that exposes their criminal acts, since they have a near complete strangle hold on them.
It is easy to see that with the incomparable amount of wealth that the owners of the "Federal Reserve" have accumulated they are poisoning the not just the United States, but also the entire world. It is common knowledge that companies they own like Monsanto, and Haliburton, among others, have special loopholes written into the laws that protect their operations that poison the human race.
The owners of the “Federal Reserve” are funding the above, and starting and funding wars just to play both sides against the other. The "Federal Reserve" creates economic bubbles all over the world, and then purposely crashes them, so that they can make extreme profit. The owners of the "Federal Reserve" have bought the politicians, as well as the news and media, and uncensored news and media is the last hope to get this information out to the American People, but as you know the owners of the "Federal Reserve" are attempting to own the entire internet by doing alway with net neutrality rules, and they are actually trying to do this right now.
In October 2013, Carmen Segarra was fired from the "Federal Reserve" when she wrote a truthful report on it, this is corroborated by http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=10882
Further, Glen Beck exposed the "Federal Reserve" and was then fired by Fox news.
This monstrous robbery of the American people can go on no longer, it is imperative that the truth is bill boarded to the American people by a platform where they can get the truth, and actually understand it:
Fired for exposing the owners of "Federal Reserve", the Zionists: http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=10882
Many politicians are on owners of the "Federal Reserve", the Zionists payroll, and are employed by the "Federal Reserve" on the weekends for very large amounts of money.
As you can see from this writing, and in the reference links below, the American People have not been awakened to this monstrosity, because if they were this situation would never be going down right now. The American people need to be given this information in a simple, yet informative understandable way, since their ability to understand it is usually clouded by complexity, censorship, misinformation, being too busy, and un education.
One thing that many people don't understand is that you need government to stop people, and government from fucking you over, and that is what the Constitution is for, that is why the Constitution needs to be upheld and enforced. The owners of the “Federal Reserve” are using all that money to pry away our Constitutional Rights one at a time, yet are free from prosecution while hiding behind that front. It is time to abolish paying any interest at all to the owners of the privately owned “Federal Reserve” for money they printed for pennies.
JFK’s executive order is still alive, but not being used: http://www.rense.com/general76/jfkvs.htm
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809)
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.” – Thomas Jefferson
“… The modern theory of the perpetuation of debt has drenched the earth with blood, and crushed its inhabitants under burdens ever accumulating.” -Thomas Jefferson
Fast forward to 9/11, Iraq war for oil, and the economic crash in 2008 and you now see clearly what he said.
(The reason for 9/11 was because Iraq decided to sell oil in Euros, which was not allowed by the privately owned “Federal Reserve” who commanded Iraq MUST sell oil in USD.) Iraq's true views:
Recently, it is likely flight 370 was hijacked using drone technology in airliners, to get rid of the 4 Chinese software engineers present on that flight that were 20% sharers of an open patent for aircraft cloaking technology with Freescale semi-conductor which owned the other 20% so the whole patent would go to Freescale, which is owned by the owners of the “Federal Reserve. This patent was passed 4 days after the plane went missing, giving Freescale 100% of the patent, since the other 4 open patent sharers were eliminated.
Rothschilds gain ownership of this patent: http://beforeitsnews.com/eu/2014/03/mh-370-is-disappeared-rothschild-inherits-a-semiconductor-patent-for-freescale-semiconductors-2554702.html
Airliner drone technology corroborated by:
Rand Paul speech on the "Federal Reserve":
(Tell your Representatives to support this!)
The owners of the "Federal Reserve", the Zionists, are using chemtrails / Geo-Engineering for population control on American Soil, making people sick by spraying a cocktail of highly toxic heavy metals and chemicals from airplanes. These Chemtrails linger in the sky for a long period of time and slowly disperse into toxic clouds of Aluminum, Barium, and other heavy metals and viruses. The owners of the "Federal Reserve" can steer by shooting a radar beam at them, and create storms, and droughts using the HAARP array.
Air Force Official Blows the Whistle on Geo - Engineering / Chemtrails:
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