The “Balance Sheet” of the US is identical to Enron’s, the Federal Reserve has been cooking the books for some time now. Our leaders are brainwashed by Jews, and incompetent. They are completely controlled by psychopathic Jews, and have betrayed us. Because the US’s books are cooked, the dollar crash is imminent.
The US being 17 trillion in debt, with liability to the Jew Central Bankers for a quadrillion dollars due to the inflated toxic derivatives that were guaranteed, banks using the bailout money and the free printing of money to reap huge profits by leveraging huge exposures to the futures market, and with no real jobs of value in the US anymore, and all the countries world seeing this, it’s a no brainer.
It will take some time for China and other countries to fully disinvest in the dollar, and when this completes, the US will be completely insolvent, and absolute full fledged mayhem will ensue, no food in the stores, psychopathic cops executing people for minor traffic violations, looting, millions being relocated to Fema camps where they will be executed, there will be no such thing as legal recourse. You already see it being prepared, the government buying guns and ammo in mass, Fema camps, plans for Marshall Law, except there is no “Law” in Marshall Law.
The Jew Central Bankers will start WW3, and the US will lose, and then China will betray Russia, since the US military is war weary, spread thin, and most of our nuclear missiles either don’t work, or have been disarmed. This will allow communist China to be the number one military power and the horrific ruling power over the world, but the Jews will still have almost all the gold, and will offer “help” to China to “transition” the consolidation of the yen over the entire world, and to “administrate” the money flows between the sections of China’s ruling empire (the US will no longer exist), and then the Jews will continue to further infiltrate the Chinese communist government. Say hello to the New World Order, if you are still around, and not already killed off.
“You shall have world government, whether or not you like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest." - Jew James Warburg (Rothschild Banking Agent 1950)
To stop this from happening, you MUST eject and abolish the Federal Reserve immediately, the short-term necessary damage that may or may not occur by doing this without waiting another minute will be a micron compared to what will happen if it is not done. Force the Jew Central Bankers to give back the money the stole from us under their blatant criminality, and use it to payoff 17 trillion dollar debt, this will be the first step in completely removing the evil yolk that the Jews have over our government.
And remember, all of this started due to the core commandment present in the Talmud, which all Jews believe as the truth, which says “Even the best of the Goyim should all be killed”, and for believing this, the Jews are actually the total scum of the Earth.
Also remember that Karma counts, and if you do something about to abolish the privately owned Federal Reserve right now, you will not only help us avoid the extremely dire consequences of doing nothing, but the good you have done will be returned to you in your lifetime.
S. 209, the Senate version to more deeply audit the Fed, is also alive as the 113th Congress draws to a close late this year.
Time is of the essence, apply strong pressure on both houses of Congress to revive this movement to make the Fed Reserve history. Call Capitol Hill at 202-224-3121 or 225-3121.
A century of enslavement, a History of the Federal Reserve:
At 27:00 in the following, Aaron Russo explains what the Jew Bankers told him:
A presidential candidate explains the Jews doing 9/11:
Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve Bank:
Ron Paul says when the dollar crashes, the Federal Reserve will take away your Constitutional Rights, at 28:00:
Precepts of the Talmud:
Global Administrative Policies of the Jew Central Bankers as Implemented by Bilderberg: