Thank you. I missed that podcast the first time around. It's lovely to hear people's tones and fun to play pin the voice on the Hubski. I like Orwell's self-examination of his technique which he addresses elsewhere in another essay or two (Politics And The English Language being one, I believe). At some point, I feel, a writer should think through and lay out (at least in private, for fear of death by hubris) the methodology by which she approaches language, in order to clarify its use and purpose in written communication. I don't mean she should sift through Strunk And White, or the hilarious Fowler's Modern English Usage, for tips but instead should affirm a personal philosophy through which naturally will arise a personal style. I know when I did this, prompted by Orwell's exercise, I discovered how little time I had actually spent thinking about how and why I was using my tools; shortly thereafter I realised I had a great deal to say about it. It felt empowering. I wonder if it's worth another instalment of TNG Podcast: How Do You Write?