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comment by JackTheBandit
JackTheBandit  ·  3591 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are you working on?

    There's also a tug of war in my head per say of whether I desire materials (to better my image in front of others) or just have a simple life where I consume knowledge and not have to worry about maintaining an image. It's really tough thinking about these things daily when you live in a very urban area where it is more times than not expected...

It really comes down to what will actually last and how you define yourself. Projecting an image isn't inherently bad, it's natural and a method of communicating. It's the questionable social influence that revolves around forced hierarchy, consumerism and permanent slight dissatisfaction that causes angst from what I've experienced. You can project the image of the man living the simple life consuming knowledge (just be sure that's who you really are in your actions.)

user-inactivated  ·  3591 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    You can project the image of the man living the simple life consuming knowledge (just be sure that's who you really are in your actions.)

I get the idea, but that's my struggle. Defining what my very actions are, and it seems the only way to do this is to judge others (not entirely in a negative light either).