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comment by Rascale
Rascale  ·  3945 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Basic Income Means Basic Freedom

your liberal wet dream comment belongs in the last century. Such old worn out labels are irrelevant today. Please offer an alternative to the UBI or the reality that science and technology is replacing the human component in the workplace at an ever escalating rate. I know its easy to be dismissive about what might be and I know there will those who will work hard as obstructionists against progress and an evolving society preferring the status quo over change.

But those who have examined the existing economic structures closely will all tell you that they are but agreements regarding conditions and processes. They exist primarily in our heads and on paper and in our practices. Consider that we have already taken human beings, stuck them in a canister and sent them to the moon. We even brought them back safe and sound. And that was working with real world circumstances and conditions where we desparately needed new ways of looking at what we knew and what we needed to know to made the thing happen.

You don't need to know what will happen, or how it will actually unfold just as the first astronauts and the crews that worked with them did not know. But they knew what they wanted to happen and gave everything they had to get it done.