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comment by stacker
stacker  ·  3988 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are your sosumis?

Living in America....football (and sports in general really). I loosely follow the Atlanta Braves and watch some of the Olympics but other than that I never watch sports. Without sports there is almost nothing to talk about with men around my age (24). I really wish I could get into them and I used to pretend that I loved sports but I can't do it anymore.

Also, movies. There are a few movies I truly do enjoy but 99% of them I just don't care for.

I guess my interests involve doing things with my hands/brain. I can't sit passively watching something for more than 30 minutes but I can read primary scientific literature, listen to music, and play competitive video games for hours on end without ever getting bored.