Making people feel uncomfortable does not hurt them. If this is an issue they feel passionately about, they have every right to make a point about it.
Mental stress is pain, in my opinion. I'm Black, and if there were a "Catch the Blacks" campaign, which could totally exist a while back, I'd feel terrified. Yeah, this example isn't as good because you can't really tell who's an illegal immigrant and who isn't, as opposed to a Black person - but if you can tell me that feeling like you're constantly being hunted doesn't hurt you in any way, I'm going to respectfully disagree with you. Of course they can make a point about it, if they feel passionately. But I guess my final point is, just because you feel so strongly about something, doesn't mean that this is the right way to go about telling the world.
So, causing undesirable mental states in other people shouldn't be allowed? That's a very slippery slope. These students aren't literally going and assaulting immigrants on campus. They aren't making citizen's arrests or throwing paint on people to 'mark' them for a hunt. What they're doing is theater. They're creating a simulation of something they would like to happen because they feel strongly that illegal immigrants should not be allowed to stay in the country. That's a form of political protest and we are obligated to protect it even if it makes people uncomfortable. Should abortion protesters be banned from showing images of fetuses because it might make mothers feel sad?
Should anti-hunger organizations be banned from showing starving children because it makes obese viewers feel guilty?
Or, something more akin to this situation - should we avoid reminding drug users that they could get arrested because that paranoia might upset them?
Like I said, they're allowed to make their point. People aren't going to be fond of how they're doing it, but that's what they're going for, in a Westboro Baptist Church sort of way. Either way, it's a pretty dick move. Also this is theater as well. But, you know, probably not a good idea to go around doing that nowadays.
I agree, it is a dick move and it's very rude - definitely not the best way to get people talking about this topic. I guess I'm just a little pissed to see the media and the university so concerned about offending people that they won't stop to defend their own students doing their thing. Universities are supposed to be places where people can try out new ideas and be passionate about things and, yes, be assholes sometimes. Offending people is allowed I wish I could just scream that from the rooftops sometimes.
That last point I most certainly agree with. Currently in Uni - it's like a little bubble, and in the bubble is a crockpot of different ideas and ideologies. They're trying it out. At least the experimentation is happening now and not when there can be major consequences for their actions.