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comment by T-Dog
T-Dog  ·  4013 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Photo Challenge Day 11: Self

Haha, oh god, I didn't even think about that being in the frame when i posted. It has probably the most boring story out of all the instruments in the pic.

It was given to me as a gift by my recently-made-ex-girlfriend at the time, because my favorite soft drink is Dr. Pepper and i think it was part of her long, dramatic quest to win me back. This was the beginning of my senior year in high school, and when she gave it to me i wasn't sure how to handle the situation so i just put it in my locker. There it sat for the entire school year and then one day i cleaned out all my stuff and just couldn't throw it away... its been sitting in my room/practice space ever since. i never changed the strings or even plugged it in.

It hasn't had much of a purpose for me but my last night my friend actually pointed it out and insisted that it HAD to be on a stage at some point. So i guess we'll see what happens.