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comment by AlderaanDuran
AlderaanDuran  ·  4014 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Photo Challenge Day 10: Close

Only reason I figured post processing is for the life of me I can't figure out how it could be completely blurred all around and on the headset and mic pieces, yet the glass on almost the same level with the reflection is just perfectly in focus, even though the glass isn't all at the same depth from the lense. It's just weird that stays in perfect focus, but the edge and everything else is blurred right in the perfect places.

But now I'm realizing that maybe I'm wrong about focusing on a reflection, and thinking that you are focusing on the true distance between you, the reflection, and the tree, where I was thinking in my head you'd just focus for the screen of the phone... but maybe that's not the case with photographing reflections? I don't know.

It's beautiful regardless. Didn't mean to imply post is a bad thing, I just for the life of my couldn't really wrap my head around that shot without it.