The last line in this otherwise worthless article states:

    "...There is no political party in this country at this moment that is presenting a compelling alternative to the president that is willing to embrace people like me— evangelical and pro-life and actually supporting limited government..."

You cannot be evangelical and pro-life and support limited government. That is a practical impossibility.

Both evangelism and pro-life support require big, invasive government programs to intrude into private life, and policing of the populace's mind and thoughts and communications.

There simply is no other way to for state-sponsored evangelism and pro-life programs to work, practically speaking.

Buncha fucking idiots.


I think this is one of those cases where if you repeat a mantra long enough, it stops having any actual meaning and starts to have its own thing. Slogans have never needed to be consistent or logical; that's kind of the point.

posted 2037 days ago