We used to know how to get together and really let our hair down. Then, in the early 1600s, a mass epidemic of depression broke out - and we've been living with it ever since. Something went wrong, but what?

kleinbl00: >Something was happening, from about 1600 on, to make melancholy a major concern of the reading public, and the simplest explanation is that there was more melancholy around to be concerned about.

Well, something that might have been happening was [the creation of a reading public.](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/99/Spread-of...) It's not like there was a NYT Bestseller's list for 1580 and another for 1600 in which "depression" showed a statistical increase. Movable type didn't even hit England until 1500. Makes the whole article somewhat facetious, in my opinion.

posted 4617 days ago