(Experience The Long Radio Silence on bandcamp, spotify, itunes, etc., if tempted.)

Alright, so the tunes aren't new, but the press is. I'm pretty excited about the results of my recent promotion campaign, and this is one of my favorite reviews so far. I'm grateful for the kind words, the critiques feel spot on, and the sound affinities are at least somewhat unexpected, which is a really striking gift, in my opinion. Not by any means to despair of the States, but I've been struck recently with the notion that I might find more of my audience in Canada. This doesn't prove, but does encourage my thinking.

(Apologies to any fB friends who might be getting weary of seeing this stuff ... please feel free to ignore, and of course, mock. Plenty of ripe fruit in reach!)


If ya can't get them to link it in the article, link it here!

posted 2501 days ago