It was an ordinary Friday. Courtney Brown, 24, of Kalamazoo, Mich., was busy looking for a job. "I've applied all kinds of places," she says. "Wal-Mart, Target, Verizon Wireless."

    Then she got a strange letter in the mail. "'We are writing you with good news,'" she reads to me over the phone. "'We got rid of some of your Everest College debt ... no one should be forced to mortgage their future for an education.'"

    The letter went on to say that her private student loan from a for-profit college, in the amount of $790.05, had just been forgiven outright by something called the Rolling Jubilee.


    The amount erased by Rolling Jubilee, and the number of students helped, will not make a practical dent in that sum. "It doesn't solve the problem," says Gokey.

    Instead, what he and the group's members are trying to do is draw attention to the plight of millions of people with unpaid student loans, especially high-interest private loans from relatively expensive for-profit colleges.

I like what they're doing. But I can't imagine there aren't many people who are aware of student debt. The testimonial in the story is nice though. I'm glad they're able to help remove all of some people's debt.

posted 3525 days ago