Ok, everyone has heard of the ice bucket thing. Yes, over $10 million was raised for ALS. That money was donated for ALS Awareness and Research. Not, Research and Awareness. That's an important distinction. Awareness will NOT CURE A DISEASE. FEELING GOOD ON SOCIAL MEDIA WILL NOT IMPROVE HEALTH OUTCOMES FOR ANYBODY(I don't think).

I have a larger problem with this whole thing though. No one knows a thing about the organization they donated to. I guarantee it. Unless someone has a close relative that's actually actively suffering ALS, or is recently deceased, it's very likely that they did not put any thought into the not-for-profit that they donated to. That's dangerous. My sole argument, unless someone wants to get into the nitty-gritty of it all, is the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

I donate time and give regular financial support (Though limited, because college) to several charities. Ones that are near to me, that I have researched, that I know have visibly improved peoples lives. I am all for honest volunteering (For 0 reward. Honor points and 'community service hours' do not count. That is not charity), and generous charity. I am against awareness. I am against feel-good social media campaigns (Kony 2012 everybody!).


Speaking as a researcher, your time would probably be better spent lobbying Congress and the Senate to increase NIH funding. Philanthropy typically goes to institutions with the best political connections and the best sales pitches. Charity is not without value, but philanthropy does not, and cannot, fuel a productive scientific community. The cure for ALS isn't likely to come from an ALS lab. More likely, a lab working on another problem will likely stumble upon something that can be translated to ALS.

I feel that awareness in this context probably does more harm than good. The take home message for most people is probably that ALS research just got a nice shot in the arm. The truth is that the funding that this kind of research depends upon is drying up, and labs continue to close across the country.

posted 3551 days ago