52, meaning flagamuffin posted the first of these one year ago. This week I'd like to hear what you've posted in the past that you're still listening to, or what you've discovered in one of these threads that you're still listing to.

Skinny Puppy - Weapon

Iron Fist of the Sun - Who Will Help Me Wash My Right Hand

Theologian - Some Things Have to be Endured

Rome - Hate Us and See if We Mind, which I'm not linking to because Tristol is trigger happy with the DMCA requests and I can't find anywhere streaming it.

Caul - The Long Dust

Lux Interna - There is Light in the Body, There is Blood in the Sun

Dark Matter - How Cold is the Sun

∆aimon - ∆aimon

Blush Response - Tension Strategies

Kevorkian Death Cycle - God Am I

Of course, if you have something you haven't posted in the past to share, that's cool too.


HEY! Now in the upper left-hand corner of my Hubski toolbar there's a music icon and if I click it it brings me here! Am I unoberservant? mk how long has that been going on?

I am in love with HAIM's album, specifically this song. They encapsulate some of my independence in moments. It is a good album for being single. I managed to get it on iTunes when they put their best-selling albums of the year on sale. I have barely done justice to the other albums I bought because I've been playing this on repeat.

posted 3780 days ago