I do the same thing. I have a page of collected Raymond Chandler poems a friend and English teacher gave me on the spur of the moment (it was a handout for one of his classes) that I cherish. I was talking to him about that recently, too, and mentioned that it was still on my wall and how much I loved the poems. He was surprised, but pleased, because most - in fact, probably all - of his students just throw away those sorts of handouts. I also have Koyczan's 6:59am, handwritten by me, because it's a stunningly beautiful sentiment and I love the way it lays out. That's all that's up at the moment, because I just moved, but I'm going to write out a short story by Murakami (*The Fall of the Roman Empire, the 1881 Indian Uprising, Hitler's Invasion of Poland, and the Realm of Raging Winds* if you're interested) because it stuns me into silence whenever I read it. PS: Looks like DvH isn't working yet.