Lazy isn't the word I would use, but I would like to learn the following if I had more time and resources: 1. French -This will likely not happen until retirement. Just the way it is. Need the time and need to be submersed in the culture as Cortez mentions in his comment. 2. To Code -All about time. There are resources like Code Academy that I've started using. Just need more time and frankly I need to be more excited about it. 3. Play the violin - My daughter starts violin lessons in a few weeks. I will be attending with her and hopefully learning as she learns. Until now I haven't had the time or equipment. -Glad this is happening. 4. Tennis - I have begun to cross this one off of my list. I've been playing for the past two months pretty regularly, two to three times a week. I just need some lessons. My plan is to be proficient by year end.