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insomniasexx  ·  4164 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Is An Empty Ocean By 2048 Really What We Want?

    need to start focusing on disentangling ourselves from the Corporate mechanism

This requires a lot of nearly impossible amount of changes to every faction of society. It's not only issues as a consumer, but also as a part of the workforce, and as a human being with dreams and desires.

I don't think anyone desires to live on a smaller salary or dreams of purchasing something for a higher cost or inconvenience. Humans, with ever-increasing speed since the invention of television and the internet, wants everything better, faster, cheaper.

Now, there are some people who, purely by choice, choose to live a life that is more simple - you hear stories about people living off the grid or disconnecting from society in one way or another. However, the vast majority of people are still driven by money and growth - as an individual, a small business, or as an already large corporation.

If you look at those who are "satisfied" with what they have (ie: that old married couple who run the corner hardware store) are they no longer driven by those desires or are they simply limited? Is level of satisfaction they currently have greater than the requirements it would take to grow bigger?

If you were to offer the old married couple a shop across the street from theirs, help them hire 2 employees to run that shop, and double the profits, would they say no?

If you were to offer another boat to the fisher who fishes sustainably, would he say no?

If you were to offered a net to a 100 meter fishing vessel that promised to catch twice as many fish, would he say no?

Everyone wants to grow. It's not within everyone's means - it takes some combination of money, resources, time, energy, new skills, etc.

But unless you can break that desire in human nature, I don't see the existence of corporations going away anytime soon. Whether is a chain of 2 grocery stores turning into 4, a fisher getting another boat, or Walmart buying Costco, that growth is something that will still be here tomorrow. And as long as the companies themselves exist, the individual consumer will continue to purchase products from those companies because the individual is also trying to grow. If you save $10 at the store today, or 30 minutes to drive to the closer market, you have more resources to grow yourself.

Is it feasible to shift human desire before 2048? Is it more or less feasible to hope that those large corporations, large fishing vessels, could use new technologies (tools) to do their job with less damage to the natural environment?