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The McDouble is cheap because it is produced from:

- Wheat (subsidized at the expense of other crops)

- Beef (subsidized at the expense of other livestock, fed on corn which is heavily-subsidezed at the expense of other crops)

- Cheese (subsidized at the expense of other farm product)

And produced by

- Welfare labor (subsidized at the expense of taxpayers)

- Child labor (subsidized by their parents)

Not only that, but the taxes paid by McDonald's are subsidized.

So yeah. The burger is cheap because everyone else is paying for it. There's a reason "locally-grown" costs so fucking much more - no one else is footing the bill.

FUN FACT FROM "THE END OF FOOD:" The only "food" crops in the United States, according to the USDA, are corn, wheat, soy and canola. Everything else is a "specialty crop."

FUN FACT FROM "EAARTH:" The cost of bacon, if produced in an environmentally-sustainable, locally-supporting way, varies from $8-$12/pound.

That doesn't mean McDonald's makes cheaper food. That means everyone else is paying the difference.

As far as "nutritious", let's go to the tape:

    It has 390 calories. It contains 23g, or half a daily serving, of protein, plus 7% of daily fiber, 20% of daily calcium and so on.

"and so on." A fistful of sawdust has 100% of your daily fiber. The fact that they list protein, fiber, calories and calcium means you're getting meat, cheese, sugar and cellulose. We can do this a lot simpler.

Ultrameal Dutch Shake:

There's 40 servings in that bucket, so we're coming in at under a buck... and it's damn near Soylent Green.

Their numbers are bullshit, by the way. I'm supposed to be getting 70g of protein a day.

See how easy that was? All you have to do is presume that if someone is telling you something simple and controversial, they're probably making shit up.