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lil  ·  3963 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: Monologue: I’m Comic Sans, A**hole.

I feel terrible about this. Then there were all the really bad ones that I didn't post.

I'd take them all down except that then the 29+7 comments would come down too.

Anyway, there will be no more swearing from my little northern hangout. None. I'm on my way to FL next week and no one swears there.

I could take this one down though. No one cares much about Comic Sans. Except me. It's the only font I've ever found that speaks to me.

It's kind of like the fiddle music of text display. With fiddle music, you can be playing a funeral dirge or death march - it doesn't matter what you play - it all sounds like square dancing. (Whereas with bagpipes, you could be playing happy dance music, and it all sounds like a death march.)

Just happy about the Blue Jays 11-game winning streak, I guess.