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thenewgreen  ·  4149 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What dare or prank have you participated in that wasn't a good idea?

Do you know what "whippersnappers" are? The little white calls of paper filled with a bit of gun-powder, shaped like a mini-tadpole that explode when you throw them at the ground. Some people call them "bang snaps". Here's a photo:

Anyways, I was telling jonaswildman that I had bought some to show to my daughter and he mentioned that when he was a kid he and his brother used to put them under the toilet seat as a prank to his mom and dad. The things are pretty loud and if you sat on a toilet seat and one went off, you would definitely be freaked out.

I put one under our toilet seat in our bathroom the other day and chickened out before my wife ever sat on it. It just seemed too mean.