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thenewgreen  ·  4181 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ask Hubski: Has Hubski Made You More Creative?

I find that I am happiest when I am extremely creative and active. One thing that I don't think people realize is that routine can be a big part of creativity. I think that having a routine or even the word "routine" has a negative connotation. People think that having routine means not having spontaneity. When I am not in a routine, I'm not able to be as creative. Of late, I have been traveling quite a bit and haven't had enough time to spend on Hubski, enough time to spend on making music, or enough time to spend podcasting and reading. As a result, I've not been as fulfilled as I normally am. I have some more travels planned for the next few weeks, then after that I have resolved to fall back into my normal routine. I miss it. I can tell when I have not made music in a while, because the tips of my fingers on my left hand start to soften. I like it when they are calloused, calloused fingers make a happy me.