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Please, the "pirates" were unwitting participants in a marketing campaign.

If you want to pick on semantic bullshit look no further than the dev's anti DRM screed while they only allow three installs.

The developers will continue to talk about how much "pirating" is going on which will mostly be a result of their clever marketing campaign. I'm not saying that the dev's are bad guys, hell they are very clever guys, but one thing I'm not going to do is feel bad for them. This game will do much better because of it's marketing. The marketing is an obvious ploy if you would just look at the fact that the "pirated" version's save is convertible to a paid version.

You say I'm making a semantic argument, I say you are naive. These guys have struck upon a good way to get press and free demo installs for their game. They have preyed upon hot button topics like piracy and DRM to do it, topics which are automatic front page fodder on most game and tech sites.