Nice piece. Those fucking wood borers. There's a specific type here in MI called the emerald ash borer that, as the name suggests, eats ash trees. Ash trees used to be one of the major varieties here, and now they're quite scarce. Another invasive agent, Dutch elm disease has virtually extincted elm trees in MI, which used to be ubiquitous, in the half century since its introduction. Hopefully nothing will come along to kill Oak and Maple, or else the great Northern deciduous forests will be a thing for the history books.
And, let's wait until an Asian carp is found in the Great Lakes. Kiss the fucking ecosystem goodbye. The worst part about that is that we know its a threat, and Obama could have the EPA shut off the canal from the Mississippi river system to the Chicago river system with the stroke of a pen, but his Chicago cronies don't want to be inconvenienced by the longer shipping routs. If the fishing industry collapses here, it's (literally) 100% on his shoulders. Shame on him.