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b_b  ·  4139 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Adaptation Program

I think Gould should be required reading in college for any science student. One of the great examples of the adaptionist program is the thinking of Alfred Wallace, co-discoverer of natural selection. Wallace was so committed to the adaptionist way of thinking that it drove him to being a deist. By his logic:

1) Only natural selection could produce a biological feature.

2)Humans could sing, write, make art, etc.

3)These traits were so young that they could not have arisen via natural selection.

Therefore, God must have instilled man with the creative capacity.

Really, if you are an adaptionist, its unassailable logic. But, even Darin knew better. He proposed several different types of selection to circumvent this type of thinking. Its been a while since I've read the stuff, but the one that comes immediately to mind is sexual selection (e.g. the dance of a bower bird).