Thanks for the fantastic reply, I really appreciate it. As someone that had 0 knowledge of the sport, I feel as though you caught me up to speed nicely. The video you linked to makes it look like wonderful activity but I have to ask, is it similar to parasailing? I've done that in Acapulco, and while it was fun it wasn't what I thought it would be. First off, I imagine you have control while paramotoring, which I didn't have parasailing. But I also thought it would feel "fast" and be exhilarating from a "speed" perspective and it really wasn't. It was more pastoral than I thought it would be. Beautiful and serene but in no way fast and adventurous. Is paramotoring different? I find it admirable that you used some of your inheritance to further explore that which your father introduced you to. On a side note, I record the TNG Podcast for Hubski and was planning on having the next topic be "FUN", as in What do you do for fun? Would you care to participate and talk about paramotoring? Have a listen to previous podcasts: and let me know if you'd be interested. Thanks again and happy sailing...