I'll put it this way: I wouldn't be tempted to try your method of coffee brewing. But I'm pretty proletarian with my coffee. I made pour-over because it was easy, switched to a coffee maker because I needed it ready to go at 5:10am, then switched to a ridiculous Miele coffee robot because it was free. Fresh beans, ground as needed, is 90% of good coffee in my studied opinion. The Ethiopians can make a two hour ritual out of yergachefe but in the brief time I had an Ethiopian colleague (whose family's coffee plantation had been siezed by Haile Sellasie) I learned that preparing yergachefe like it's coffee works just fine. For reasons of finance and expediency you have strayed from "fresh beans, ground fresh." You have strayed far fucking afield in a charmingly novel direction. I myself have opinions about coffee snobs: And I think that if you were to own the confidence necessary to say "coffee is better when mixed with crystals" any number of people would be so cowed by everyone else's hipsterdom that they would probably try it. ON ALCOHOL There is indeed a spectrum of taste between $20 whisky (or whiskey, or any distillate really) and $100 whisky. If you don't like any of it, don't drink any of it. If you drink enough of it, you will develop a palate for what is good and what isn't. You will have your personal preferences but your inborn sense of refinement will, by and large, match that of other whisky enjoyoors. If you incorporate that palate into your persona you deserve all the mockery you will get.