I spent a week in Italy for work. And, lo, a discovery! If you want to force debug mode in Italians, say 'mozzarella' but pronounce it 'moccarella'. Devoid of ire or thought, looking at their face was like perceiving the platonic ideal of disbelief. The only impediment was being repeatedly told my way of enjoying coffee is wrong. Keep it to yourself coffee-bitches.
Gf, once unburdened of my presence, needed that week to go from "What's Blender?" to "It was a slow week at work, so here's darksouls-meets-Ancient Egypt armor ensamble I made out of a blob." Still processing that one; mostly in a supportive way, slightly in that "too amazed for envy" way.
I finally found a soldering iron tip that's perfect for me. You gonna laugh, but it's that shitty ice cream cone that apparently all but mine soldering irons get as default. All good, I have a bunch of lab automation projects to go over this month, and the obligatory Arduino board should come by the weekend!