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Today's SCOTUS corruption updates:

Sotomayor is facing criticism for not recusing herself from cases involving the publishing company she used to write her book. This is long-public information, mind you, and is only being brought up now as a "whatabout", obviously. Yeah, she probably should have recused, and I hope she makes better decisions in the future. Sooooo I guess now conservatives are in favor of instituting a code of ethics for SCOTUS?? Just kidding. They only wanted to complain about a dem-appointed judge, but still do nothing that would involve keeping money out of politics. Very populist.

And also, breaking news today, as referenced by kleinbl00 downthread:

Clarence Thomas: mega-donor paid for great-nephew’s private school

People are still voicing their support for Thomas, btw. Literally tweets like "Who among us hasn't wanted to send their younger family members to a private school and accepted thousands upon thousands of dollars to do so from the same friend that also gifts us lavish vacations all the time?". Very normal stuff.