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kleinbl00  ·  446 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: AutoGPT

I've come to the conclusion that people who think tools will be sentient some day lack a fundamental understanding of tools.

Every discussion I've seen or participated around ChatGPT or LLMs has been some form of "the UI is better", often followed by "therefore it will be alive someday." And maybe it's because I've worked with heinous, heinous UIs for my entire life and have seen them trickle down to normies over and over and over again - I'm glad you enjoy Sketchup, it allows you to do basic shit that would be impossible in AutoCAD. I'm glad you enjoy Prusaslicer, it owes a lot to ANSYS. I'm glad you enjoy Wolfram Alpha, it's a pretty face for Mathematica. I'm glad you enjoy Cleverbot, it's much nicer than an Access database. I'm glad you enjoy Visual C, it's much kinder than C. I'm glad you enjoy your cordless drill, it's much easier than a hand-crank.

I am firmly of the opinion that the better the UI, the more people can accomplish stuff. I mean, shit - my daughter is programming escape rooms in Minecraft at 10 because the UI is easier than Visual Basic. And I am firmly of the opinion that the people publicly, noisily, unrelentingly wringing their hands about paper clip maximizers have never really wrapped their heads around a goddamn drill.