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goobster  ·  875 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: December 15, 2021

Mine is from the "Even More Delightfully Free" cookbook, which has special recipes for all kinds of dietary limitations, like gluten or dairy free recipes. My wife is gluten free, so we use a lot of these recipes as bases for our cooking inspirations.

A good Korma really comes down to the nuts, garlic, and curry. That's what differentiates it from a regular curry.

I'm generally working in the spirit of this recipe when I make Korma: https://www.bonappetit.com/story/korma-sauce

And then I turn to the "Delightfully Free" books to see how they cook the other veggies and things, like sweet potato chunks, cauliflower florets, and onions.

I rarely just follow one recipe! :-)