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b_b  ·  996 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How to confront someone for potato theft?

    3) Clamping down on the minor breakage that is a part of any organization will cause more breakage.

Great line. I think this is a point that is virtually lost on all upper level managers. When I first started at my last job, they used to have parties with an open bar twice per year, and they used to give you your birthday as an extra holiday (which you could use another time if you want). They used the financial crisis (from which they didn't really suffer very badly) as an excuse to cut every small perk that cost them money. The net result that I can say anecdotally is that everyone basically said, fuck this place if they think I'm a line item on a spreadsheet, and we were all the worse off for it. Clearly government also suffers from that same thinking on all sides of the spectrum.