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The frustrating thing about the lily-whites is that their history predisposes them to an ephemeral time-horizon for their own positions. Liberals have been fighting The Struggle since Engels was in London but conservatives aren't particularly interested in discussing the racial covenants on their HOAs right now because they didn't write them.

So Sanders and her ilk can postulate a new formulation for their behavior that lies in direct opposition to their formula from six weeks ago and like Golden Retrievers, the lily-whites will bark at the new squirrel.

You and I both know that if Trump had said "there's a catastrophe, it's Chinese, I'm instituting martial law to protect America while we develop the Freedom Vaccine and withhold it from anyone who trades with CHyyyyyyyynahhh" we'd be saluting his mug on the wall every morning while Toby Kieth plays like the goddamn muezzin. I firmly believe American democracy was imperiled by incompetence, and saved by said-same.