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OftenBen  ·  1170 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Dear Hubski, what are you reading this summer?

The graphic novels are mostly unique stories that get referenced either directly or obliquely in the novels, i enjoy them a lot. I think a few of them are re-tellings of parts of the books, and Storm Front might be a full length graphic novel somewhere. There's also short stories that have been published in some major anthologies that are plot relevant AND a companion mini-trilogy of short stories called "Working for Bigfoot" that are great world building and color on top of being hilarious.

Toot Toot and Bob are great fun and are some of my favorites and the Fandom favorites in general. In an interview when Jim was asked about the inspiration for Bob he says that he was directly a insult to a former writing teacher who said you can't have a character just be a talking head who delivers exposition. So Jim made a talking head that mostly delivers exposition and ribald remarks.